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Embracing the Arena: The Journey to Self-Empowerment

Many women of all ages find themselves struggling to meet societal expectations while yearning for personal growth and self-empowerment. The pressure to conform to specific roles and standards can be overwhelming, but breaking free from these constraints is essential for true personal development and empowerment. Kendra Miguez, Founder of the Colorado Women’s Center, eloquently captures this struggle and the courage required to overcome it. We will explore the essence of stepping into the arena of self-growth, embracing failure, and rising above societal judgments to become the best version of ourselves.

“Letting go of the opinion of others is one of the hardest habits for women to develop. We have been pruned by society to please for generations. We’re told how to act, how to look, how to speak and we’re told to never have an opinion. However, when we break free of this mold and begin to discover our worth and our own journey, it becomes impossible to please everyone. “Stepping into the arena” as Brene Brown describes is having the courage to be the leader of your own success. It means taking risks, refusing to settle, experiencing failure, starting over again, feeling lost, insecure and alone.


The arena is not a place of comfort. In fact, it is a place that creates extreme brokenness–in a way that staying small never will. The arena is a place where you will meet yourself. The opponent is the YOU that you want to change and grow. We MUST break free from doctrine and multiple old selves to evolve inside the arena. This process is messy and painful. You will make mistakes in the arena and those observing will judge you. But you will see that if you carry on despite the opinions of your critics, you will eventually succeed. You will see that your limitations are merely subjective, and the battle is ALWAYS worth it! You will realize that the critics, mostly those who never had the courage to step into the arena in the first place, do not have the power to hurt you. Therefore, their opinion does not matter and you will continue to elevate even if people don’t like you! In fact, you will only elevate yourself further if you do not listen to the judgement.


Loving ourselves doesn’t always come from the reflection of others. It comes from transformation. And if we are growing as an individual, we will have many transformations in our lifetime. All of them happen inside the arena. So step in, get your ass kicked, face the anxiety, face the triggers, change the narrative and create a new version of yourself. And most importantly, never believe anyone who doesn’t align with a version of yourself that you have EARNED.


Surround yourself with people who support your RISE!” -Kendra Miguez, Founder, Colorado Women’s Center


The Power of Letting Go

“Letting go of the opinion of others is one of the hardest habits for women to develop. We have been pruned by society to please for generations. We’re told how to act, how to look, how to speak and we’re told to never have an opinion.” – KM

For generations, women have been conditioned to prioritize the opinions of others over their own desires and ambitions. This societal grooming has led many to suppress their true selves in an effort to fit into predetermined molds. However, true empowerment comes from letting go of these external opinions and embracing one’s own journey. This process of self-discovery and self-acceptance is not easy, but it is crucial for personal growth.

Stepping into the Arena

“Stepping into the arena” as Brene Brown describes is having the courage to be the leader of your own success. It means taking risks, refusing to settle, experiencing failure, starting over again, feeling lost, insecure and alone.”

Brene Brown’s concept of “stepping into the arena” encapsulates the essence of bravery and resilience. Entering the arena means facing challenges head-on, taking risks, and being willing to experience failure. It is a place of vulnerability and discomfort, but it is also where true growth happens. By stepping into the arena, we confront our fears and limitations, pushing ourselves beyond what we thought possible.

Brown’s poignant quote, “If you are not in the arena getting your ass kicked on occasion, I am not interested in or open to your feedback,” highlights the importance of valuing the opinions of those who are also engaged in their own journeys of growth and struggle. Critics who have never faced similar challenges often lack the empathy and understanding required to provide meaningful feedback.

Embracing Failure and Transformation

“The arena is not a place of comfort. In fact, it is a place that creates extreme brokenness–in a way that staying small never will. The arena is a place where you will meet yourself. The opponent is the YOU that you want to change and grow.”  -KM

Transformation is inherently messy and painful. It involves facing our deepest fears, enduring failures, and navigating through periods of intense self-doubt. However, this process of breaking down and rebuilding is essential for true personal growth. In the arena, we come face-to-face with our old selves and the limiting beliefs that have held us back. It is through this confrontation that we begin to evolve and transform.

“You will make mistakes in the arena and those observing will judge you. But you will see that if you carry on despite the opinions of your critics, you will eventually succeed.” – KM

The Journey to Self-Empowerment

“You will see that your limitations are merely subjective, and the battle is ALWAYS worth it! You will realize that the critics, mostly those who never had the courage to step into the arena in the first place, do not have the power to hurt you. Therefore, their opinion does not matter and you will continue to elevate even if people don’t like you! In fact, you will only elevate yourself further if you do not listen to the judgement.” – KM

Empowerment comes from recognizing that our limitations are often self-imposed and that the opinions of others do not define our worth. By persevering through the struggles and challenges of the arena, we discover our true potential and strength. The journey of self-empowerment requires us to tune out the negativity and judgment of those who have never dared to take similar risks.

Loving Yourself Through Transformation

“Loving ourselves doesn’t always come from the reflection of others. It comes from transformation. And if we are growing as an individual, we will have many transformations in our lifetime. All of them happen inside the arena. So step in, get your ass kicked, face the anxiety, face the triggers, change the narrative and create a new version of yourself.” – KM

Self-love is not a static state but a dynamic process that evolves through transformation. Each time we face our fears and overcome obstacles, we grow stronger and more self-assured. This ongoing process of change and growth happens within the arena, where we are constantly challenged to become better versions of ourselves.

Surround Yourself with Support

“And most importantly, never believe anyone who doesn’t align with a version of yourself that you have EARNED. Surround yourself with people who support your RISE!” – KM

Building a supportive network is crucial for maintaining resilience and motivation in the face of challenges. Surround yourself with individuals who understand and support your journey, and who uplift and inspire you. These are the people who will stand by you in the arena, offering encouragement and strength.


Stepping into the arena of self-growth and empowerment is a courageous and transformative journey. It requires us to let go of societal expectations, embrace failure, and confront our deepest fears. As Kendra Miguez and Brene Brown remind us, the opinions of those who have never dared to take similar risks hold no power over our lives. True empowerment comes from within, through the process of transformation and self-discovery. By embracing this journey, we can rise above our limitations and become the best versions of ourselves. Surround yourself with those who support your rise, and remember that the battle is always worth it.

If you’re ready to embark on a transformative wellness journey and profound change, the doors of the Colorado Women’s Center are open. Our dedicated team of therapists and counselors are committed to guide you towards the best version of yourself. For detailed insights on our services, fees, insurance details, and to initiate a guaranteed therapist match, contact us today to speak with a Colorado Women’s Center Wellness Coordinator.

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